Subject: Clarification with EGS-Card problems under 1.4.0
To: None <>
From: Ben Bogart <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/02/2000 16:09:59
Hello again everyone, 

I just wanted to get a bit of clarification from my dialog with Ig (forgive me I did not want to miss spell it) concerning my upgrade and grapgics problems. 

So to reinterate my problem is that my graphics card (EGS-Spectrum) does not draw to screen properly. I've changed all the 1.4.0 X and etc config files to reflect my old 1.3.2 system. As far as everything but X is converened my configuration is working perfectly. I have recheked the Xdm config stuff and It's all right. I can even tell (through the screen garbage when i try and run XDM) that my old login screen is really there, just not being drawn properly.

Now what i gather is that the solution is to upgrade to 1.4.1 and this should fix my problem?

I do recall a while back some other EGS-Specturm owners having the same problem but I was unable to find the solution posted on the mailing-list.

Thanks again for your time.

Ben Bogart

NetBSD 1.4.0 GENERIC KERNEL 24MB RAM 2.1GB HD EGS-Specturm Gfx Board