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Re: Some Q's (fwd)

On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 03:15:53PM +0200, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote:

> >> 2) Someone asked me to do a
> >> X :7 -bpp 16 -probeonly >& x.log
> > No need to probe... Amiga graphics boards are all well-detected by the
> > kernel, and need no guessing by X11. Read INSTALL.X11 about how to set up
> > X11.
> That's not the problem. X works fine.
> The problem is Blackbox and 16 bpp display. The author (I think it was)
> asked me to do the above and send him the output.

what is Blackbox?

> >> 4) When ending a X-session returns to the console, but an 'unclean' one.
> >> The prompt pops up on the top in the middle of all the garble garble.
> > Uhm... I can't witness this on the Altais (== Retina Z3 for all practical
> > purposes). What graphics system do you use? What NetBSD version?
> CV64 and 1.4.1 (the latest, right?)

CV64 or CV64/3d? These are different beasts.

And 16 bit modes only work for some graphics boards.  INSTALL.X11 should
have the information.


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