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Re: How to use GVP-ioExtender

Hello, Mr.Beck,

Well, NetBSD 1.4.1 has incomplete code for GVP-ioExtender,  and
It cannot be enabled without anywork.
As I decided to this driver finished to work well, rewrite some
kernel source codes and test it. Then I meet that trouble.

I think someone know that trouble (It seem about interrupt?) is
coused, send mail this mailing list.  
   _________             -------------------------------------
  /_________\  _ / |\    |  amura   /   MURAMATSU Atsushi
 |====  /##\ |/ ~ c| |   |                               
 |()() |####||      c|   |        amura%ma3.seikyou.ne.jp@localhost
 |[]    \##/ |\ _     |) |        YRS02602%nifty.ne.jp@localhost
  ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~ \   C|  |

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