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Is there anything I can do to make the X11 work (again ) ?

My config : A4000, PIV, Cyberstorm MK1.

This is what I did :

First I upgraded to 1.4.1 and the X11 was still working after the upgrade.
The setup survived several reboots.
After booting the next day it stopped working, i.e.
after 'startx' I got the normal X background, but then it stopped and went
back to console.

I then installed the complete 1.4.1 again, this time not as an upgrade.

This gives me :

The Xservers file is correctly setup for grf3.
Grfmodes is ok, too.
If there is no xserverrc the X-server starts but hangs.
^C and you are back to console, with a new Xamiga.core.

If there is a xserverrc,  xinit complains about a missing file and you are
back immediately.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks ,

Wolfgang Hochweller

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