Subject: 1.4.1 not booting...again :(
To: port-amiga netbsd <>
From: Ciro Scognamiglio <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/03/1999 16:25:00
Here I am again,

I have downloaded all the dist set of netbsd 1.4.1 
and begin the installation...

hd partitions were already set but I don't think this would matter
as the problem is something else inside the generic kernel.

with the command loadbsd -b netbsd I can see on the shell some infos 
about my memory, then I can only see a gray screen and nothing more...

I have a PicassoIV board on an A4000T (escom one) as I already said, but 
I'm beginning to think that it's not the picassoiv fault...if it was
I would have probably seen a black screen and netbsd happily booting
in pal mode....I guess...

I suspect is the internal SCSI controller, that is very similar to the
A4010 but not the same.
I remember with netbsd 1.1 I had to get a different patched kernel 
that supported this controller...but again, I remember even if the
controller wasn't supported netbsd booted and just freezed after some
messages on the sceen...

I can't understand what's happening, I hope someone can help me,
I'm already trained with unix systems, I have used many and installed some...
expecially on my miggy, but I never got something like that...

my complete config is:

A4000T (ESCOM) 2mb chip 16mb fast
1 HD SCSI of 4GB (samsung)
1 HD IDE of 250MB (seagate, rather old)
Internal IDE Zip drive (ATAPI)
CDROM SCSI Pioneer 24x
PicassoIV board with Paloma/Pablo/Concierto
with a 15" SVGA monitor.


I have encountered also another problem under aos with the command
xstreamtodev, it doesn't work anymore (worked till now :-?) I get this error
and nothing more:

warn: Pipes and re-direction will work but interactive
input/output is prohibited.