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Collisions w/ Ariadne I?


while running NetBSD with my A4000 opened, I noticed that
the "Collision" LED on my Ariadne I board turned on every(?)
time when the "Transmit" / "Receive" LEDs where on.

But "netstat -I le0" indicates 0 collisions.

Which one is right? If there are really so many collisions,
what could I do to prevent them?

(I use 10base2 with two hosts: one is the Amiga/Ariadne,
the other is an i386 Laptop with Linkport ENET-B PCMCIA
ethernet card. Both run NetBSD-1.4 (the laptop runs


Ingolf Koch                      Beste Kneipe in Jena-Ost
PGP: 0x7B3B5661  213C 828E 0C92 16B5  05D0 4D5B A324 EC04

Attachment: pgpUbN9ul1PIM.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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