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proc size mismatch..?


I compiled a kernel 1.4D from the current sources and have the binary 1.4 sets
installed, but commands like 'ps', 'top', or 'xps' return the following error
and refuse to work:

   proc size mismatch (22242 total, 666 chunks).  

This is strange, because I also recompiled 'ps' and made sure that it used the
same sys-includes like the kernel compilation, but the problem has not gone

What can I do?

Best regards,

| Stefan Sichler          / / Amiga1200/060 OS3.1 NetBSD1.3 |
| Student der          \/\/   sichler%rumms.uni-mannheim.de@localhost |
| Technischen Informatik             Tel. +49-(0)621-473696 |

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