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Re: Gateway4?

Hello Ignatios,

On Sunday, 13-Jun-99, 20:42:40, 
Ignatios Souvatzis <is%jocelyn.rhein.de@localhost> wrote about:
Re: Gateway4?:

> On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 07:03:22PM +0200, Rafael Vicaría Alloza wrote:
>> Would it be possible to set Fvwm instead of twm as default wm in
>> NetBSD1.4.1?

> You can do so, if you wish, yourself. 

Well, yes.

> But as fvwm (and you didnt even
> mention which version of it) is not part of the base X distribution, we
> simply can't do this.

Sory about not mentioning which version. I got fvwm from the OpenBSD2.4
cdrom, and it started nicely after typing startx (in b&w though).  Whether
the X distribution included in the mentioned cdrom is part of the base X
distribution or not, frankly I can't tell.

I'll check the fvwm version ASA my wife gets out of her"new" Mac IIci...  

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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