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Re: Gateway4?

Hello Ignatios,

On Monday, 24-May-99, 23:44:23, 
Ignatios Souvatzis <is%jocelyn.rhein.de@localhost> wrote about:
Re: Gateway4?:

> On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 11:19:48PM +0200, Markus Illenseer wrote:
>>> When, roughly, is Gateway! 4 going to appear to post order dealer
>>> away from you?
>>  Within a few weeks from now.

> Uhm, it might be wise to wait for 1.4.1, I think...

Now that you mention that, errr..., ehem...

Would it be possible to include an "afterboot man page", like OpenBSD2.4?

I found it very useful. It's like a checklist of the initial config settings
one needs to do right after booting. Quite nice.

I have NetBSD 1.3.2 straight from Gateway3! cd, up and running with X, but I
have a lot of things to do yetwith it. But I'll have to upgrade to 1.4.x as
soon as I get an AriadneII, to connect this A3000 to the Mac IIci with
ethernet running OpenBSD2.4. I just got it working a few minutes ago, with
Fvwm running on X. I feel quite happy about it...   B-)

Would it be possible to set Fvwm instead of twm as default wm in

Thank you very much for your excellent work.

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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