Subject: Re: /dev/grf3... any news?
To: NetBSD Amiga <>
From: Stanislaw Szczygiel <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 06/13/1999 22:07:33
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999,  said about 'Re: /dev/grf3...  any news?':

>  On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 10:53:07AM -0300, Stanislaw Szczygiel wrote:
>  > 
>  > positive news bout working /dev/grf3 under X in 1.4? I tried for a long
>  > time, but with no results...
>  you should mention WHAT grf3 problem you're talking about...
>  -is

Sorry... but You answered earlier for my letters about problems with X
on grf3. Problem is easy: I just cant display anything - startx just dont
start (and I'm with NeyBSD since 1.2, logs has no errors). Or rather: X
starts, but I see only black, trashed screen, with some shadows of widows.
After writing exit - I turn back to console, and in logs there are no errors.
I wrote also that my problems are simmilar to another list-members... 
Just look on letters from the begining of month

I didnt find any new explanations, or lists about well working grf3 (simply:
PicassoIV) - I had a hope, that if it works under 1.2, under 1.3, someone
will explain why do not work under 1.4. As I see, nobody really need working
Picasso with NetBSD 1.4... Sorry for wasting Your time - but in fact most
of Your answers in this subject are only new questions, and I need real
answers or explanations: why?! And how make it work well!

Dont treat it personnaly - but I really need working X, and I cant find
a reason for this foult. I check all propositions - also with compiling
kernel. Can anybody has 1.4 working with Picasso? Maybe there are some
differecies in grafmode, or other settings? I use the same parameters like
in 1.3.2, the same table with grafmodes, and so on. I had no trobles with
X under earlier versions of NetBSD.

Thanks in advance - STANLEY

p.s.  Sorry for my poor english

.... I don't eat snails.  I prefer fast food.

|       TNX
|____     BYE