Subject: Re: Problems with /dev/grf3 and X...
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Stanislaw Szczygiel <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/28/1999 00:55:25
On Fri, 28 May 1999,  said about 'Re: Problems with /dev/grf3 and X...':

>  On Tue, May 25, 1999 at 02:30:00PM +0200, Stanislaw Szczygiel wrote:
>  > 
>  > I have exactly the same situation, after instaling NetBSD 1.4 from the
>  > beggininig. With 1.3.2 I had no problems with my Picasso IV... My comp
>  > is a4000 + CyberStorm 60/180 , 56MB ram... Anybody has some idea what
>  > can be wrong?
>  Yes. Try to boot with -n0 -m32768. If this fails, try to 
>  binpatch -s _Sysptsize /netbsd (should report 4)
>  binpatch -s _Sysptsize=6 /netbsd
>  binpatch -s _Sysptsize=7 /netbsd
>  binpatch -s _Sysptsize=8 /netbsd
>  reboot, and tell us if one of them helps.
>  -is

Hmmm... I try all possibilities. Booting with this parameters end with
fault (during filesystems initialization). All kind of binpatch (yes, default
value was reported as 4) change nothing...  

If this can help, if I boot from workbench (exactly Magellan Opus II) after
startx I see moved in vertical screen of my workbench desk... with some
trash. Maybe I see no proper page of video memory? I use the same parameter
like in 1.3.1, 1.3.2 - under these kernels startx (and X of course)  worked
with any problems


.... All ships will be in a holding pattern till further notice.

|       TNX
|____     BYE