Subject: Re: X crash in 1.4
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Bo Najdrovsky <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/23/1999 15:10:23
Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

> (please include your ~/.xserverrc or  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers,
>  and your kernel startup messages).

It's not related to any RC files... it happens even when I just run  "X
-mode 4" from the command line.   It switches to the graphics mode  (mode 4
is 1024x768 8bpp),  then it does some disk thrashing, and finally switches
back to console, and prints Segmentation Fault before I get the prompt
back.  I reinstalled both the X server and the X base tarballs, but the
problem still persists.  I suppose I could try to reinstall the entire
system if you think that might make some sort of difference, but I'd rather
avoid that.

- Bo