Subject: 1.4.0 BETA problems
To: None <>
From: Michael Boehnisch <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/07/1999 15:09:07

I finally found the time to install NetBSD 1.4.0Beta and encountered
some problems:

- MMU panic with boot option -n2

  I have a somewhat fragmented memory setup in my A4000:

  Cyberstorm PPC/68060 with 80MB RAM (8MB reserved by PPC)
  Fastlane Z3          with 24MB RAM
  Base memory               16MB RAM fast, 2MB chip

  When Bootblock-booting with option -n2, the kernal starts fine
  but I end up in the kernel debugger with the first few commands
  entered after entering single user mode, e.g. trying to extract
  a tar archive is a safe candidate.  The error message printed is
  "MMU panic".

  With options -n1 or -n0 I have not suffered this problem yet.

  Under AmigaOS the memory works fine.

- Trashed X display

  I went through the process of installing X windows and creating
  a /etc/grfmodes file for my Piccolo Z3/2MB RAM (/def/grf3). 
  X starts but the display is a mixture of trash and faint traces
  of what looks like windows.

  I tried the X server that came with 1.3.3 but that did not
  cure the problem.

  My setup worked fine with a complete 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 install
  so I consider this a bug rather than a mistake of mine.


   Michael B"ohnisch