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NetBSD 1.3.3 and Picasso IV


I'm having trouble installing 1.3.3 on my A3000 with a Picasso IV video
card.  NetBSD 1.1 was working fine but it didn't even pretend to support
the Picasso IV card.  Now I have installed 1.3.3 which supports the
Picasso IV to find that the display is whacked out.  The console display
is kind of doubled over on itself.  I believe that it is putting out a
signal my monitor is unable to display, something down in the 30's
range.  My monitor is an older NEC 5FG which cannot sync so low.  Is
there a way to change the default console display parameters without
recompiling the kernel or anything quite so involved.  Since I can't
access the console too well I can't manage anything very complicated
other than a simple command line, simple responses to a program or maybe

Thanks in advance,


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