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Re: your mail (fwd)

Hallo ,
*** Weitergeleitete Nachricht, ursprünglich von Andre Schwab am 30-Mär-99 ***

Hello Markus,

Am 29-Mär-99 schriebst Du:
MI>> With bash there was an error like "binary not executable" and from
MI>> sh there was an Syntax-Error :47  "(" unexpected!
MI> What _exactly_ were you doing? What did you start?

I started extract from sh after setting current directory to /usr/X11R6

MI>> When I extract the files to /usr/X11R6 with tar and try to start any
MI>> file (without startX ) I get the error "binary not executable"
MI> How did you extract the files? Looks like the permissions were not
MI> correctly extracted.

Meanwhile I tried with "extract" (from the directory /XFree86/NetBSD-1.3.2/
and from /var/tmp [after copying offcourse]) , but it still doesn't work
and extracting with tar --unlink xpzf (and! --unlink -xvpzf) /.../[filename]
where filename is something like X332bin.tgz

MI> Read "INSTALL.X11" ?

I allready did !! (twice and more !)

bis bald
-- _   _____  ____
  / \ |     |/ ___| Andre Schwab
 /   \| | | |___  | @W-Specht.e.ruhr.de
/__|__\_|_|_|_____| @cityweb.de
*** Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht ***

bis bald
-- _   _____  ____
  / \ |     |/ ___| Andre Schwab
 /   \| | | |___  | @W-Specht.e.ruhr.de
/__|__\_|_|_|_____| @cityweb.de

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