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grfmodes and CV64 (was: Re: Listmodes and P96)

Greetings to All,

Greetings Alexander,

What a pleasant surprise to find you here!

NetBSD is cool!

Nice to read from you again...   B-)

On 06-Feb-99, you wrote:

>AP Hello,

>AP Pardon me if this has been discussed before, but I seem to be having
>AP useing ListMode to get my P96 configs for my P-IV. I've read the doc,
>AP understand that (1) it works only with the old version of the Picasso
>AP software (Which I'm not willing to install) and (2) that I have to
>AP converthem in BSd to the new mode line configs per the supplied script
>AP the INSTALL.X11 doc. 

PMFJI, but I'm having problems with something similar.  But I have a CV64

My system is as follows:

Unaccelerated A3000 with 16MB RAM (fully populated motherboard with
StaticColumn ZIPs)

Cards: CV64 and Emplant deLuxe (not used for NetBSD)

Drives: Old Micropolis 760MB reformated to 627MB, fully dedicated to NetBSD 
excluding  an ados partition of 27MB for file exchange purposes (but one way
NetBSD mounts ados partitions read only, and I'm not having much success
with  BFFS,
but that's another story...). The two other scsi drives are partitioned with
All of them are connected to the onboard scsi.

Running NetBSD-1.3.2 from Gateway! volume 3 CDROM.

It seems to run fine, after setting TERM=vt220. Otherwise, vi wouldn't work.
Interestingly, vi works when installing the first time.

I cannot get X work.

It's just startx that gets stuck or something. That's what it says:

grfcv: Monitor definition not OK
Feb 7 13:20:12 myhost /netbsd:grfcv: Monitor definition not OK
_X11TransSocket UNIXConnect: Cant connect: errno = 61
giving up
xinit: Connection refused (errno 61): unable to connect to Xserver
xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error

And that's it.

When I installed X11R6, after extracting all the relevant sets, I did the
as per INSTALL.X11 

Modified /usr/X11R6/lib/xdm/Xservers
and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc

changing them to /dev/grf5 -mode 2, instead of the default (/dev/grf0

I added /usr/X11R6/bin to the path.
And I edited /etc/ld.so.conf as required.

> Areming myself with such info, I went ahead and tryed
>AP doing a 'listmode' on my 'devs:monitors/PicassoIV',
>AP 'System:Devs/Picasso96/PicassoIV', 'System:Devs/Picasso96Settings'
>AP Each gave a small dump of info and then crashed. Seems listmodes gets
>AP on something in each. Anyway, I copied each of the outputs to a separate
>AP file and then ran the mode line config script on each. then running
>AP grfconfig /dev/grf3 /test/newmodefile produced erros such as invalide
>AP modelin, pixleclock to hi, etc. Even removing the offending lines didn't
>AP help.

I've used ReadCVmonitor-1.0 on my AmigaOS-3.1/cybergraphics.library v40.113
monitor file instead. It didn't crashed though.

It gives a grfmodes file for NetBSD 1.1 that needs editing because of the
different format in
NetBSD-1.3, as per man grfconfig and INSTALL.X11.

grfconfig -r /dev/grf5    outputs the following:

c 25000000 640 480 8 640 680 768 800 481 491 493 525 default

Thus, I edited the "equivalent" line in the grfmodes file generated from my
monitor file (which works fine for AmigaOS-3.1 800x600x16 screen and
MacOS 7.x 800x600x16 screen too).

The "equivalent" line in the grfmodes file is the only one I've left
It's the one starting with:

2 25000000 640 480 8........

X still doesn't work neither with the "-mode 2" line in grfmodes having the
content as grfconfig -r /dev/grf5, nor with the NetBSD-1.1 output of 
ReadCVMonitor edited for 1.3 compliance, which is nearly the same as the
of grfconfig -r /dev/grf5

What am I missing?

Thank you very much for any help you can give me

And thank you very much for your time and for NetBSD for the Amiga.

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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