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R: Predictor 1

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Ignatios Souvatzis <is%jocelyn.rhein.de@localhost>
A: Markus Illenseer <markus%core.de@localhost>; 
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Data: lunedì 30 novembre 1998 21.25
Oggetto: Re: Predictor 1

>On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 07:08:24PM +0100, Markus Illenseer wrote:
>> > What is the KERNEL options to enable the predictor-1 compression?
>>  I do not believe that this is a kernel option, as it is a pppd option,
>> and can easily be used by adding this to either the command line or to
>> /etc/ppp/options.
>Thats wrong.
>While pppd would need to know to negotiate for it, the (de)compression
>would have to be in the kernel, and it isn't implemented.
> -is

It's only a NEtBSD lack?

There's a user ppp under NetBSD with this compression build-in?


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