Subject: Re: Capturing the CTRL-A-A
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/18/1998 21:24:01
On Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 09:10:25AM +0000, Patryk Łogiewa wrote:
> Napisane 15-Lis-98 przez: Ignatios Souvatzis...
> >On Sun, Nov 15, 1998 at 03:37:23PM +0100, Dante Profeta wrote:
> >> 
> >> No, it is not possible to disable hard-reset because it is handled
> >> directly by the hardware.
> >> On some Amiga is however possible to catch the reset-warning to finish
> >> up any pending operations. I think this is the way disk syncing is
> >> handled... there is a limited amount of time for the syncing opeartion
> >> to be performed: the system will be reset anyway.
> >... possibly in the midst of doing the sync, messing up your disk for sure,
> >instead of just keeping it a bit out of date if you're lucky.
> Exactly. One can only assume that some operations (e.g. sync) will be done in
> 10 secs... Noone can be sure about it though.

Actually, for quite a while, code for doing the bootsync() function at reset
warning time has been in the Amiga keyboard driver (but not in the DraCo), and
was _disabled by default_ for that reason. If you're knowledgable enough to 
disable the reset line yourself, you could find the #define that controls that
code in a few seconds... in the kernel... but then again, if you do so, no
reset will take place at all, so you dont need it anymore ;-)
