Subject: Re: P5 CyberStorm cards; will they work with NetBSD?
To: None <"">
From: Philip Clark <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/14/1998 22:55:00
Michael L. Hitch ( wrote:
> You write: 
>> Quoting Matthias Scheler (13-Oct-98 08:55:32):
>> >> I don't care if I can't use the PPC or SCSI controller
>> > Both will indeed be ignored.
>> Is the CyberSCSI (set on top of a CybetStor MK2) also ignored?
>> Same question for the CyberStorm MK3?

>  The Cyberstorm MK2 SCSI should be supported - I think that was one
>of the ncr53c9x driver front-ends I did.

>  The Cyberstorm MK3 SCSI is currently ignored....

>> Are there plans to include support for those?

>  ... except on mine :-)

>  Support for the MK3 SCSI is being worked on, but I haven't had any time
>lately to do anything.

And would this work for the Cyberstorm PPC too? I've got a super-duper 4.5
Gig drive connected to my board and I'm itching to see what it will do with
NetBSD. If assistance is required, I will try and help in whatever way I

Best Regards


      o     Philip Clark at home in (Sunny?) Scotland
     /  <|  M68060/50 + PPC A4000T, OS3.1 and NetBSD 1.21, 82M/6.4G
 \  /    |  with a couple of A1200's on the side.
  \/     |  E-mail:
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