Subject: RE: X11-Window managers
To: None <>
From: Dwight Pollock <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/13/1998 13:17:07
I have solved my own problem after being frustrated and writing the group I
was still trying to find out what the problem was.  As I stated in the
original message I thought that it was a path problem (it was).  The
"Gateway 3" when I un-archived fvwm95 reported a broken pipe so I got fvwm95
from the net and that did not have a broken pipe but it did not have an like it said it did.  It just had a link to file that was not
created.  The problem was that a lib file was not in the place that it
needed to be.  So I added the dir to /etc/ and now fvwm and fvwm95
work but amiwm does not work yet I as yet do not know why.

Dwight Pollock