Subject: Re: DNS server
To: Lars S. Jessen <>
From: Ruben van Staveren <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/27/1998 21:38:32
On Sun, Sep 27, 1998 at 09:10:39PM +0100, Lars S. Jessen wrote:
> Hi.
> I've just managed to get my network up running but I still
> haven't figured out where I specify that I want to use a DNS
> server at this address:
> Can anybody help me?

SCSI Moi ?

a. you mean to use a local DNS server (as the 192.168.0/24 net is a non-routed
   private one), just edit your /etc/resolv.conf and add a line like


   In any other case, just use your ISP's nameserver in here

b. you mean setting up your own (internal) DNS. This is not a simple thing
   todo, as you need to know BIND's config syntax, and adress record
   specification. Better use your /etc/hosts file first.
   make sure /etc/resolv.conf uses this file first instead of bind:

   lookup                  file bind

   (BIND, the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon documentation can be found at if you still want to try it...)

> Mvh, Lars Jessen


Ruben van Staveren  -   PGP public key on request   -
Network Operations Mgt      _ //               Luna Internet Services
+31-(0)10.243.1988          \X/   Postbus 28013 3003 KA  Rotterdam NL
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