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Re: packages (was: MySQL)

On Thu, Sep 10, 1998 at 05:28:52PM +0200, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> > This is IMHO the other problem with pkg: Whom should I send a bug-report (or
> > worse: a patch)? The package maintainer, or the original developer of the
> > software? If I send it to the package maintainer, it would be lost for all
> > other users not using the pkg-system.
>  Ideally to the package maintainer, who himself is either solving the issue 
> if it matters to the package, or send the bug report to the developer of 
> the software.
>  It wouldnt harm if you mail to both, I guess, but not to the developer
> of the original software alone.

I second this.

E.g., the mkisofs author has sent me no feedback on the mkisofs
patch I submitted (this was months ago); all we have is the patch
in our pkg system.


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