Subject: Re: packages (was: MySQL)
To: None <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/10/1998 17:28:52
> This is IMHO the other problem with pkg: Whom should I send a bug-report (or
> worse: a patch)? The package maintainer, or the original developer of the
> software? If I send it to the package maintainer, it would be lost for all
> other users not using the pkg-system.

 Ideally to the package maintainer, who himself is either solving the issue 
if it matters to the package, or send the bug report to the developer of 
the software.

 It wouldnt harm if you mail to both, I guess, but not to the developer
of the original software alone.

Markus Illenseer
NetBSD 1.3.2 CD-ROM "Gateway! Vol. 3" now shipping!  See: