Subject: ZIP-drive problems with 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.
To: None <>
From: Miloslaw Smyk <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/06/1998 06:43:15
When I try booting my machine with either 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 GENERIC kernel, it
proceeds to probing SCSI devices, and as soon as it starts talking to my
external ZIP-drive, I get:
cbiisc0 at line 1215: unexpected MESSAGE OUT phase
panic: kvtop: zero page frame
and it enters the debugger.
As soon as I disconnect ZIP-drive, everything goes back to normal. With 1.3
GENERIC the problem disappears, too.
My config: A4000, 96MB RAM, CyberStorm MkII-60/50, CyberSCSI-II, MFC-III,
DelfinaLite, Ariadne, CV64/4MB
On the SCSI chain: Fireball 3.2GB (2), Toshiba XM5701-B (3), ZIP-drive ext.
-- | "Man in the Moon and other weird things" - | see it at