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backspace & delete

Starting NetBSD 1.3 with /bin/sh and the default optione ('ims', which
can be shown with 'echo $-').

When using the backspace-key in the console, it deletes the character
left of the cursor, which is correct.

When using the delete-key in the console, it prints '^H' instead of
deleting the character right of the cursor.

When using the those keys in sh started from xterm, it's exactly
opposite! The backspace-key prints a '^H' and the delete-key deletes
the character left of the cursor.

- Why is xterm acting opposite of the console?

- How can I convince /bin/sh to react on the delete-key like AmigaOS
  does (deleting the character right of the cursor)?

Cu  Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
    geohei%ibm.net@localhost - geohei%geocities.com@localhost
    PGP 2.6.3i / 5.1i public key on request and on public servers

... watch your 6 ...

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