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Re: Problems with X11

On Mon, Aug 31, 1998 at 06:45:58PM +0200, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> > I have installed NetBSD on my A4000 (060 and CV64 3D),
> > but after installing X11 I have a trouble....
> > after typing "startx" the HD works a lot and so the system hangs,
>  I hope you have read the INSTALL.X11 manual?
>  a) Do you have setup the grfconfig to install the resolutions?
>  b) Does your startx include a mode option for the graphic board?
>  c) Does your startx include a device option for the graphic board?
>  d) What is beeing displayed on the screen after you startx' ?
>  e) Does "ctrl alt del" brings you back to the text console?
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (the|<---    |  key ).


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