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Re: Install-Probs


> > 1. The install-manual tells i should adjust the //etc//sendmail.cf.
> > (YAM seems to have problems with / so doubled them)
> > Even if i would know what to adjust... This file is READONLY.
>  Just over-write it and send a HUP-signal to the sendmail process, restarting 
> it.  (ps -aux | grep -i sendmail; kill -HUP PID)

That should probably be

   kill -HUP `cat /var/run/sendmail.pid`

but anyway: Could I request to remove the advice completely from the
installation manual? For newbies, this advice is more puzzling than
anything else (especially as there is no other hint, what this file does,
or where to find documentation), and users who use mail services will
probably know what to do. At least a sentence like "Skip this step, unless
you know what this file does" would be helpful.

     Joern Clausen                  email: 

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