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Re: KDE 1.0 and kpanel


> In article <yam7526.2028.1749911912@localhost>,
>       Michael Moll <Michael.Moll%chiemgau.baynet.de@localhost> writes:
> > A working version from beta4 can be downloaded from
> > http://home.chiemgau.com/mmoll/kpanel.gz
> What about using "send-pr" to supply a fix for the offical package so
> that *all* NetBSD users can benifit from it? That's how free software
> projects are supposed to work.

[despite the fact the it's not Michael's version...]

How about sending a patch to the KDE developers, so that *all* users
can benefit from this, not only those using packages?

     Joern Clausen                  email: 

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