Subject: some more questions..
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Juha Sievi-Korte <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/24/1998 11:31:51
   So i've now been running and configuring netbsd1.3.2 for a while... Now

   1. How to make /dev/audio work..? i tried amp a while ago and encountered
problem.. something unable to open audio..? and /dev/audio: device not
configured. Waht should i do with this to get it work??

   2. Should 'makewhatis' update the database for man? I tried to run it but
didn't get new manpages for tcsh, amp, screen etc. which i installed..? Is
there anything else i should do.?

Thanx in advance,
