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Re: Few questions...
Juha Sievi-Korte <davy%sci.fi@localhost> wrote:
>1. How will i make prompt to dislay current directory in csh?
Add the following commands to ~/.cshrc:
alias prompt 'set noglob;set prompt=`dirs`;\
set prompt="${USER}@`hostname`:${prompt[1]}>";\
unset noglob'
alias popd 'popd \!*;prompt'
alias pushd 'pushd \!*;prompt'
alias cd 'set old=$cwd; chdir \!*;prompt'
alias back 'set back=$old;set old=$cwd;\
cd $back; unset back; dirs'
On my sytem I get a prompt like this:
>2. Is the screen command available as binary package for netbsd/amiga? And
>is there any kind of virtual consoles in netbsd, like in Linux?
Screen is available, as far as I remember. You should find it on any NetBSD
mirror site in netbsd/packages/1.3.1/amiga/All/screen-X.X.X.tgz, where X.X.X
is some version number. There are no virtual consoles.
Michael Boehnisch
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