Subject: Re: UVM, MFC and MSC in current
To: Rob Healey <rhealey@MR.Net>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/13/1998 19:51:24
On Wed, Jul 08, 1998 at 11:21:04AM -0500, Rob Healey wrote:
> Also, why don't the mfc and msc drivers compile? A major change in
> the MI kernel interface for serial or minor problems.
MI kernel interface change.
>From my experience with ser.c, I expect not more than a few man-hours
to adapt them, once you understood the nature of the change (actually: two
I'd done that myself (and actually, have started before my vacation to do mfc),
like the ser.c, the mfc amd msc drivers were written some couple
of kernel configuration system versions ago. They were never really
upgraded, just hacked a bit to make them compile again, so each
time I look at them, I would rater rewrite more parts than just do
the interface change part. Of course, I dont have the time to even think
about that. (I expected to need a working ser.c for a different project, so
I did that one.)