Subject: Re: /usr/pkg
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/02/1998 11:34:00
In article <> you wrote:
> Currently, under 1.3, I have always had a root partition, a swap partition,
> a /usr partition, and a /usr/local partition, with local being very large
> to accomodate all the stuff I download and install.  However, since
> the intro of the pkgsrc, and the fact that it installs binaries, libs, and
> man to /usr/pkg, I am considering simply swapping the two partitions (right
> now, usr is 400 mb, and local is 1000 mb).  I have been fooling around
> with pkgsrc installed in /usr/local, but does it matter where pkgsrc is?
> Would it be just as simple to install it in /usr/pkg also?  Any hints or
> tips appreciated.

It doesn't matter much where pkgsrc is, but if you want to use precompiled
binaries, you'll probably want to make sure there's enough diskspace on
/usr/pkg (or whereever the pkgs install into).

Do get that diskspace, you can do several things:
 - mount the 1G-partition on /usr/pkg (you won't have to nuke /usr for that,
   just be sure you have /usr in front of /usr/pkg in /etc/fstab)
 - rm -fr /usr/pkg ; ln -s /usr/local /usr/pkg
 - in /etc/mk.conf set LOCALBASE to /usr/local and recompile, as someone
   else here (Todd? Tim? I don't remember...) suggested. Be aware that
   this will some time, though. :)

 - Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>