Subject: Re: localtime
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Schaffner <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 06/19/1998 19:51:27
Du warst am 18.06.1998 um 23:18:00 Uhr an Deinem Rechner, um
folgenden Text unter dem Betreff "localtime" zu erzeugen:
> During the Installation of NetBSD, I set my timezone correctly
> (Luxembourg, CEST, UTC-2). The system time of my Amiga is set to
> local time. I guess that is the correct way to do it.
> When I start NetBSD, all times are 2 hours ahead of the present time.
> It looks like ...
> 1. ... either the Amiga system time should be set to UTC, but in this
>    case all Amiga applications would work with UTC (which is not
>    desired) or that ...

There is a tool for AmigaOS named Unixclock (probably on Aminet)
that handles timezones unix-style : hardware is always
UTC, the timezone is changed according to your settings by software.

> What is the correct way to do it?

This one :-)
