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Re: Xamiga PicassoII support

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Michael Teske wrote:

[snip stuff about >8bit support in Xamiga]

>That is because of the reversed byte order in these modes (comes from
>using a PC chip without special logic. The CV64 and PicassoIV for example
>have such a logic). Since the "standard" X sources don't contain support
>for these byte orderings and for 24 bit - only 32 bit is supported - one
>would have to rewrite the whole cfb16 and cfb24 sources. 

Oh hmm I never knew of course. :/


>So I ended up with throwing the 16bit part away and left this task for one
>who actually has a picassoII, but up to now, nobody did it (and probably
>never will).

I guess so. As usual I don't have the time to contribute on such
a major project myself either (or the know-how to start with :( ).
Well, the 8bit mode works great though, and I guess using
more than 8bit in 1024x768 on a PicassoII+ would be streatching it far
anyway. It's just a pity I can't run it in 16/24 bit in lower resolutions.

>16 and 24 bit modes are deadly slow on a picassoII, anyway.

Actually 800x600x16 is fine on P2+ even though I have a slow
A3640 CPU-board. Or I'm just a very tolerant person. :-)
Though X isn't very usable in such low resolutions of course... 

I guess getting a CV64-3d is easier... :-)

/ali: Computer Science Major and aspiring cartoonist. :-) 
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* a4ooo/o4o/18Mb/46oMb/OS3.o/Ariadne/C=1942 - cogito, amiga sum *

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