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Xamiga PicassoII support

I noticed -- somewhat surprised given the age and
popularity of PicassoII boards -- that Xamiga
only support 8bit displays on PicassoII(+). Since
my P2+ can display up to 1024x768x16 and 24bit at least
up to 800x600 it'd be neat to be able to use them. Is
any work updating it going on?

best regards,
/ali: Computer Science Major and aspiring cartoonist. :-) 
(dept) dat94ali%ludat.lth.se@localhost - http:// www.ludat.lth.se/~dat94ali
(home) ali%h543.sparta.lu.se@localhost - http://h543.sparta.lu.se/
* a4ooo/o4o/18Mb/46oMb/OS3.o/Ariadne/C=1942 - cogito, amiga sum *

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