Subject: mozilla does not work!
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 06/06/1998 11:02:50
Someone here said that he got mozilla working on Amiga. How
can I do it?

On my machine (4000/36 RAM/NetBSD 1.3) mozilla does not work. It
starts to start up fine, meaning that mozilla-export loads to
memory fine and also starts to print out some Motif configuration
errors about scrollers and opens up two Netscape: error windows
complaining about DNS stuff. But the main window does not open
but the execution terminates to Segmentation fault. (moz-export
still has the libutil problem - even 19980429 release)

Arto Huusko
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