Subject: Re: AmigaDOS (Was: Re: where can I get Software for 68k NetBSD ?)
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/15/1998 07:53:11
> At 11:16 PM 4/14/98 +0200, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> >> > what did they use for the BCPL parts?
> >uhm... you talk about modern AmigaOS? It no longer has BCPL, since
> >at least V36 (corresponding to release 2.0) , I think. :-)
> Correct. I remember John Toebes talking about the rewrite (that is, before
> he left ASDF). 
> Although I believe they used SAS/C when they did the rewrite of dos.library
> at least. Were there any other parts in BCPL other than dos.library? That
> was the one library that didn't follow the normal library calling
> conventions (roughly?). 

no. At least, not according to Babels "Guru Book".
