Subject: Re: TERM = amiga - no more?
To: None <>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/06/1998 15:02:50
In article <yam7398.445.137829680@> you write:
> >Try applying the patches from PR#4124.
> >The patches are supposed to be included in the next termcap release, so
> >eventually they should make it into NetBSD.
> Where can I find them? Still I even exchanged the 1.3 termcaps with my
> old 1.2 ones to no change... I look into wrong place I am afraid :-(

Use the bug report query form on, or email with the subject "--full 4124" (no quotes).

BTW, are you sure you even want the "amiga" termcap? It would be used
for things like an AmigaOS system telnetted into NetBSD. The console
under NetBSD/amiga is not type amiga, it's vt220, I think.