Subject: Re: TERM = amiga - no more?
To: Port Amiga <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patryk =?iso-8859-2?Q?=A3ogiewa?= <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/05/1998 14:16:15
Napisane 05-Kwi-98 przez: Kolbj=F8rn Barmen...

>>>> After upgrading 1.2 -> 1.3, I found that TERM set to 'amiga'
>>>> doesn't
>>>> work properly any longer. Is there some kind of termcap or so,
>>>> where I could make it work again? And how?

>>>Try applying the patches from PR#4124.

>>>The patches are supposed to be included in the next termcap release,
>>>so eventually they should make it into NetBSD.

>> Where can I find them? Still I even exchanged the 1.3 termcaps with
>> old 1.2 ones to no change... I look into wrong place I am afraid :-(

>Hm.. have you tried using TERM=3Dansi?
>Since systems started using terminfo instead of termcap around here,
>TERM=3Dansi has work better than TERM=3Damiga ever did for me :)

I tried:
ex/vi: Error: ansi: No such file or directory

Still TERM=3Damiga _worked_ perfectly in NetBSD 1.2...

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