Subject: NetBSD 1.3.1
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Torfinn Ingolfsen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/02/1998 21:15:00
I've just installed NetBSD 1.3.1 on my A4000/040, FastLane Z3, CV64.
The good news: it works!
Some questions:

1) it always gives me an error when booting, this one:
sd2(flsc0:1:0): max sync rate 3.90Mb/s
sd2(flsc0:1:0): flsc0: timed out [ecb 0x62709e (flags 0x3, dleft 200, stat
0)], <state 4, nexus 0x62709e, phase(l 11, c 1, p 1), resid 200, msg(q 0,o 0)
DMA active>
sd2(flsc0:1:0): sync negotiation disabled
sd2(flsc0:1:0): flsc0: timed out [ecb 0x62709e (flags 0x43, dleft 200, stat
0)], <state 4, nexus 0x62709e, phase(l 11, c 1, p 1), resid 200, msg(q 20,o 0)
DMA active> AGAIN

   (here it stops in the debugger (db> prompt) but when I give the 'cont'
   command it works again)

   Is there any reason for this, and maybe a cure?

2) I made a /etc/grfmodes file from my (AmigaDOS) monitor file, which works
   fine. But under NetBSD it says "grfcv: Pixelclock too high in mode nn" for
   some modes. Is this just a warning, or does it mean that this mode don't

3) What is missing from the default man.conf file? (And why?)
   The command 'apropos loadkmap' says that a man page exists, but 'man
   loadkmap' says that there is no such man page. Using find I have located
   the man page in /usr/share/man/cat1/x68k/loadkmap.0 but it seems that the
   subdirectory 'x68k' isn't searched.

Other than that I'm very pleased that both NetBSD and X seems to work ok on my
machine now. I've tried previous releases, but always had to abandon them due
to missing or broken support for my Fastlane Z3.

I noticed that there weren't any other programs (binaries) on the ftp site (I
used one of the norwegian mirrors). Where can I find precompiled binaries for
NetBSD 1.3.1? (Or source ready to compile & install, if there are no binaries)

I would like to be a user of NetBSD, but haven't got the time to be a beta-
tester or developer.
 Torfinn - Thor 2.5a (msg. written 2-Apr-98 20:55:05)
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