Subject: Re: NetBSD problems (fwd)
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: B. Bogart <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/01/1998 13:09:25
On 01-Apr-98, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> > *** Forwarded message, originally written by B. Bogart on 27-Mar-98 ***
> > On 27-Mar-98, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> > 
> > > My guess is the 8meg expansion board is the culprit. Can you please find
> out
> > > where the kernel is initially loaded to? (loadbsd -t tells you that).
> > 
> > loadbsd -t output:
> > 
> > Translated 07c00020 sz 003fffe0 to 07c00020 sz 003fffe0
> > Translated 00200020 sz 007fffe0 to 00200020 sz 007fffe0
> > Translated 00001000 sz 001ff000 to 00001000 sz 001ff000
> > mem segment 1: start=07c00000 size=00400000 attribute=0105 pri=30
> > mem segment 2: start=00200000 size=00800000 attribute=0205 pri=0
> > mem segment 3: start=00000000 size=00200000 attribute=0303 pri=-10

> wait. your 8Meg Z2 board is included in the 12 Meg Fastmem you reported? oh.

> I guess you can try to boot with

> loadbsd -p

> which will prefer high-priority memory segments over big ones, and find
> out wether this works with -n2 or not.

> Regards,
> Ignatios

I tired what you suggested:

13:05:47$ loadbsd -pn2 netbsd
Using 4M FASTMEM at 0x7c00000, 2M CHIPMEM
Kernel at 008d4630, Fastmem used at 07c00000
loadbsd: Can't copy downwards yet.: 

I also tried it without the n2 option but it comes back with the same can't
copy downwards error... 

Any other ideas? is it possible for someone to compile me a kernel with
specific info on my mem so that i can get it to work?
