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Re: quota files

Napisane 29-Mar-98 przez: Ruben van Staveren...

>> can anybody tell me the exact syntax of entries in the
>> quota.user/quota.group files?
>> I have searched the relevant man's but found no answer as to the
>> actual structure of those files.

>Just startup edquota and replace the zero values with your quotas.
>quotas where broken in 1.1, but doing their job en 1.2 and 1.3

Yes! Got it finally. I just thought that it is _me_ who have to create
the 'quota.user' and/or 'quota.group' files. Now I found them
automatically created after mounting the filesystem with 'groupquota'

>here are my quotas on a 1.2.1 system

>Quotas for user ruben:
>/home: blocks in use: 10436, limits (soft = 30720, hard = 35840)
>    inodes in use: 315, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)

... and NOW edquota displays me finally similar things!

Just one more question: Setting a groupquota for e.g. 20000 blocks will
limit the usage for the whole group or for each user (in that group)

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