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Monitoring amount of data through network interfaces

Quick question:

Just wondering if it is possible to see the number of bytes passed through
a network interface - all would be nice but specifically dial-up interfaces
would suffice - particularly modems.
Win95 seems to do a nice job of this showing sent/received bytes - I guess
I had something like this is mind so that I could compare my figures with
what my ISP says.


BTW, thanks for all the replies re: NetBSD and ZIP compatiability.
Adding my ZIP was one of the easiest pieces of hardware I have ever added
to NetBSD!
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         ( \-/ )_.-'"``-._                  "My Cat, Wolfy"
          o o `| -._    )-;-,_`)
        =(v_,)=  _  )--\\  ``-'      astaude%silas.cc.monash.edu.au@localhost
        _.- _..-_/ / ((_/                   (Anthony Staude)
      ((_.-'   ((_/

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