Subject: Some questions
To: amiga <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric Delcamp <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/20/1998 13:08:32
Hi !

3 questions in any order:

-1- Who work to the port of UVM on the m68k ? And on Amiga ?
-2- I have made some translation of the contents, hardware, legal & whatis
    files in /usr/src/distrib/notes/amiga (the easier part ;-). How to
    integrate them into the sources ?
-3- During translation, I think we need to update some things like :
  - The Ariadne driver problem is resolved.
  - We need to re-think about disk space recommended for NetBSD, src and X11.
  - legal is not up-to-date (I think, but not sure).
  - and some other changes (in fact, we should to re-read theses files and
    update them if need).

Eric Delcamp             NetBSD user (Amiga & i386)    Bordeaux      Galactic Bloodshed player     France