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grep -inv, sed -e "/blah/d" all only print pages at a time..?

I'm running a tcpdump process and filtering out common stuff like DNS and
common TCP communications and I've come into an annoying behaviour that I
wonder if someone could tell me more about.

When I pipe the output of tcpdump -i ppp0 into the following filters, I
only get to see data one page at a time. Not line-by-line like I'm used

tcpdump -i ppp0 | sed -e "/Silver2/d" -e "/martina/d"


tcpdump -i ppp0 | grep -inv "silver2" | grep -inv "martina"

Can anyone shed some light on how I might be able to snag a line-by-line
behaviour out of these command lines?

Thanks, I appreciate any help anyone cna provide,

Marc Tooley

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