Subject: Re: Frustrated NetBSD 1.3/Amiga user
To: Eric K. Miller <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/04/1998 22:00:15
> Hi,
> I wrote to this list a month or so ago about a crashing problem I've had
> with my Amiga 2000 kernel panic'ing very often.  I wrote a Bug Report a
> few weeks ago but haven't heard from anyone.  I'm just wondering if
> anyone has any clues to what's wrong.  I believe it is a bug in the
> Ariadne driver.

Looks like this... 

"We", for a set of people you might expect an answer from, know that there's
a problem, and even have a good hint what the problem is.

However, the solution hasn't yet been worked out and tested. As always in 
volunteer projects, getting time, knowledge, and test hardware into one place
isn't always easy. I, for example, have seen enough debug output to think to
understand what was guessed about the error, but I dont have any Amiga in 
a place with lots of Ethernet traffic, and no Ariadne.

A bit more patience please. 
