Subject: Re: ConeXXion or Ariadne?
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jerome Lovy <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/28/1998 18:29:52
Miloslaw Smyk wrote:
>I am thinking about purchasing a networking board for my A4000 rather soon.
>AFAIK, the only two such boards currently in production are Ariadne and
>ConeXXion - so my choice is a little bit limited...
I just purchased an AmigaNet board (Hydra) this week, so your choice is
broader than you thought.
Sorry, but I have no technical opinion about it. Didn't even install it yet.
AFAIK, the INSTALL notes state that this board
is supported by NetBSD.