Subject: Re: CVision3d & A1200T...
To: Juha Sievi-Korte <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/27/1998 17:16:04
> >> 1) 
> >>    How do i make the cv3d as default console, so i don't have to look that
> >> flickering screen on my old video-monitor.. And because i was unable to
> >> install X does it matter where in the configuration file the option
> >> 'CV3DONZORRO2' is specified? So if it does someone can tell me exactly
> where
> >> to put it.
> >No, wherever. What's the exact problem? (E.g.: do you get te cv3d mentioned 
> >at kernel startup time, does console output appear on it?)
>    Yes, cv3d is mentioned during startup, but not configured! As it is on z-2
> what is not supported
> with default kernel, i compiled my own but how can i get kernel use this mode
> as default and no custom chips!? This becausei have no experience with unix or
> bsd before.. used it approximately 10 hours! so these may be stoopid
> questions.. :) And NO console output does not appear! 

You might have one of the machines where the driver doesn't work. 
can you please connect a serial terminal (or a 2nd computer with a terminal
emulation program) to the serial port, at 9600 bps, 8n1, and check it for
error messages?

> How i re-install the bootblock?

If you you insist:

- cd /sys/arch/amiga/stand/bootblock/boot/
- vi main.c
change the option string to what you want it to be
- make && make install

shutdown now
in single-user-mode:

cd /usr/mdec
installboot xxboot /dev/rsd0a (assuming your root partition is there)
