Subject: Re: Stalled Installation
To: Gorman Quinn <>
From: Gorman Quinn <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/21/1998 21:15:51
I have been struggling with the installation of NetBSD-1.3. I have
not yet been able to stream miniroot.fs onto my Swap partition. Using the
command ...
gzip -vd miniroot.fs.gz
I have received the following output--
miniroot.fs.gz: 65.3% -- replaced with miniroot.fs.
This makes the compressed version suspect!
Using the uncompressed form miniroot.fs downloaded from
in the following command line ...
xstreamtodev >xstreamtodevice.output --input=miniroot.fs
--rdb-name=SwapBSD --start-block=1024 --end-block=139263
--expert-mode --device=scsi.device --unit=5 --verbose
I captured the following output in xstreamtodev.output.
found new device "scsi.device"
found drive HP 4.26 GB rev 0632 0632 [capacity:4066M]
at unit 4 on device "scsi.device"
| partition: "HDH0" sb: 5220 eb: 1740869 totb: 1735650
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 847.4M
| partition: "HDH1" sb: 1740870 eb: 3481739 totb: 1740870
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 850.0M
| partition: "HDH2" sb: 3481740 eb: 4168169 totb: 686430
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 335.1M
| partition: "HDH3" sb: 4168170 eb: 5888159 totb: 1719990
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 839.8M
| partition: "HDH4" sb: 5888160 eb: 7615979 totb: 1727820
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 843.6M
| partition: "HDH5" sb: 7615980 eb: 8328509 totb: 712530
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 347.9M
found drive QUANTUM TRB850S 0404 [capacity:810M]
at unit 5 on device "scsi.device"
| partition: "SwapBSD" sb: 1024 eb: 139263 totb: 138240
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 67.5M
| partition: "SwapLinux" sb: 139264 eb: 279551 totb: 140288
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 68.5M
| partition: "LinuxSources" sb: 279552 eb: 420863 totb: 141312
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 69.0M
| partition: "root" sb: 420864 eb: 851455 totb: 430592
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 210.2M
| partition: "usr" sb: 851456 eb: 1659903 totb: 808448
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 394.7M
found drive MAXTOR 7120SCS 3034 [capacity:122M]
at unit 6 on device "scsi.device"
| partition: "WB2.1" sb: 332 eb: 16765 totb: 16434
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 8.0M
| partition: "Work" sb: 16766 eb: 248501 totb: 231736
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 113.1M
found partition: "SwapBSD" capacity: 67.5 Megs
start block: 1024 end block: 139263 total blocks: 138240
block Size: 512
dumping to: start block: 1024 to end block: 139263 [size: 69119K]
write from file "miniroot.fs" to partition "SwapBSD"? [Ny]:
reading: 00001024 -> 00001123 [ 0%]
writing: 00001024 -> 00001123 [ 0%]
reading: 00001124 -> 00001223 [ 0%]
writing: 00001124 -> 00001223 [ 0%]
reading: 00009124 -> 00009223 [ 5%]
writing: 00009124 -> 00009223 [ 5%]
reading: 00009224 -> 00009323 [ 5%]
warn: warning non blocked input received, early termination.
writing: 00009224 -> 00009323 [ 5%]
The input delivering some "non blocked" input makes the miniroot.fs
appear to at fault!
The hard disk for the NetBSD system was given a low-level Format
and repartitioned. The various uncompressed miniroot.fs's were again
xstreamtodev'd with similar results. The SwapLinux partition was
modified to Swap2 and the file system was readjusted. Again, a similar
found new device "scsi.device"
found drive HP 4.26 GB rev 0632 0632 [capacity:4066M]
at unit 4 on device "scsi.device"
| partition: "HDH0" sb: 5220 eb: 1740869 totb: 1735650
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 847.4M
| partition: "HDH1" sb: 1740870 eb: 3481739 totb: 1740870
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 850.0M
| partition: "HDH2" sb: 3481740 eb: 4168169 totb: 686430
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 335.1M
| partition: "HDH3" sb: 4168170 eb: 5888159 totb: 1719990
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 839.8M
| partition: "HDH4" sb: 5888160 eb: 7615979 totb: 1727820
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 843.6M
| partition: "HDH5" sb: 7615980 eb: 8328509 totb: 712530
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 347.9M
found drive QUANTUM TRB850S 0404 [capacity:810M]
at unit 5 on device "scsi.device"
| partition: "SwapBSD" sb: 1024 eb: 139263 totb: 138240
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 67.5M
| partition: "Swap2" sb: 139264 eb: 279551 totb: 140288
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 68.5M
| partition: "LinuxSources" sb: 279552 eb: 420863 totb: 141312
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 69.0M
| partition: "root" sb: 420864 eb: 851455 totb: 430592
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 210.2M
| partition: "usr" sb: 851456 eb: 1659903 totb: 808448
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 394.7M
found drive MAXTOR 7120SCS 3034 [capacity:122M]
at unit 6 on device "scsi.device"
| partition: "WB2.1" sb: 332 eb: 16765 totb: 16434
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 8.0M
| partition: "Work" sb: 16766 eb: 248501 totb: 231736
| Block Size: 512 Capacity: 113.1M
found partition: "Swap2" capacity: 68.5 Megs
start block: 139264 end block: 279551 total blocks: 140288
block Size: 512
dumping to: start block: 139264 to end block: 279551 [size: 70143K]
write from file "last.miniroot.fs" to partition "Swap2"? [Ny]:
reading: 00139264 -> 00139363 [ 0%]
writing: 00139264 -> 00139363 [ 0%]
reading: 00139364 -> 00139463 [ 0%]
writing: 00139364 -> 00139463 [ 0%]
writing: 00147164 -> 00147263 [ 5%]
reading: 00147264 -> 00147363 [ 5%]
writing: 00147264 -> 00147363 [ 5%]
reading: 00147364 -> 00147463 [ 5%]
writing: 00147364 -> 00147463 [ 5%]
reading: 00147456 -> 00147555 [ 5%]
warn: warning non blocked input received, early termination.
writing: 00147456 -> 00147555 [ 5%]
Can it be that the issued miniroot.fs and its compressed form
have somehow been comprimised? I have come to the limit of my ability
for checking this file. Apparently all the other files xxx.tgz are fully
satisfactory but cannot be availed of without miniroot.fs! What next?
All suuggestion will be considered with heartfelt thanks.
I have downloaded miniroot.fs and *.fs.gz from the German NetBSD
mirror. The CKSUM file for *.fs gives values of 2716310 and 4194304.
Running cksum *.fs on my server I obtained 243545067 and 4221936!!!
Doing likewise with *.fs.gz I obtained the values 2415404433 and 1452135
which matched exactly the values stated in CKSUM.
When *.fs.gz was treated by
GZip -vd miniroot.fs.gz
the output stated
65.3% replaced with miniroot.fs.
The bit length of this uncompressed file turned out to be 4194304 bits,
the same as stated in CKSUM?
I would dearly like to obtain copies of miniroot.fs and *.fs.gz,
or learn of a source which is self consistent and can be used to install
an operational miniroot.fs so that I could continue with my installation.
Gorman L. Quinn