Subject: Stalled Installation
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gorman Quinn <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/08/1998 20:03:38
	I am having trouble loading NetBSD-1.3 on my Amiga 3000 boosted
with a 68040.  The following is my startup trail.

	The hard drive complex was neatly presented by rdbinfo as

Device: "scsi.device"  Unit: 4  Capacity: 4066.6 Megs
DiskVendor: HP       DiskProduct 4.26 GB rev 0632 DiskRevision: 0632
Cylinders: 3191  Heads: 1  Blks-p-Trk: 2610 [Blks-p-Cyl: 2610]
Total Blocks: 8328510  Block Size 512           (sd0?)

--| Partition: "HDH0" Capacity: 847.4 Megs
--| Start Block: 5220  End Block: 1740869 Total Blocks: 1735650
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd0a)

--| Partition: "HDH1" Capacity: 850.0 Megs
--| Start Block: 1740870  End Block: 3481739 Total Blocks: 1740870
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd0b)

--| Partition: "HDH2" Capacity: 335.1 Megs
--| Start Block: 3481740  End Block: 4168169 Total Blocks: 686430
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd0c)

--| Partition: "HDH3" Capacity: 839.8 Megs
--| Start Block: 4168170  End Block: 5888159 Total Blocks: 1719990
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd0d)

--| Partition: "HDH4" Capacity: 843.6 Megs
--| Start Block: 5888160  End Block: 7615979 Total Blocks: 1727820
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd0e)

--| Partition: "HDH5" Capacity: 347.9 Megs
--| Start Block: 7615980  End Block: 8328509 Total Blocks: 712530
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd0f)
Device: "scsi.device"  Unit: 5  Capacity: 810.5 Megs
DiskVendor: QUANTUM  DiskProduct TRB850S          DiskRevision: 0404
Cylinders: 3242  Heads: 1  Blks-p-Trk: 512 [Blks-p-Cyl: 512]
Total Blocks: 1659904  Block Size 512           (sd1?)

--| Partition: "Swap" Capacity: 64.7 Megs
--| Start Block: 1024  End Block: 133631 Total Blocks: 132608
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd1a)   datatype 0x4e425301

--| Partition: "SwapLinux" Capacity: 65.7 Megs
--| Start Block: 133632  End Block: 268287 Total Blocks: 134656
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd1b)   datatype amiga ffs

--| Partition: "LinuxSources" Capacity: 66.2 Megs
--| Start Block: 268288  End Block: 403967 Total Blocks: 135680
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd1c)   datatype amiga ffs

--| Partition: "root" Capacity: 208.2 Megs
--| Start Block: 403968  End Block: 830463 Total Blocks: 426496
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd1d)   datatype 0x4e425207

--| Partition: "usr" Capacity: 405.0 Megs
--| Start Block: 830464  End Block: 1659903 Total Blocks: 829440
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd1e)   datatype 0x4e425507
Device: "scsi.device"  Unit: 6  Capacity: 122.8 Megs
DiskVendor: MAXTOR   DiskProduct 7120SCS          DiskRevision: 3034
Cylinders: 1497  Heads: 4  Blks-p-Trk: 42 [Blks-p-Cyl: 168]
Total Blocks: 251496  Block Size 512            (sd2?)

--| Partition: "WB2.1" Capacity: 8.0 Megs
--| Start Block: 332  End Block: 16765 Total Blocks: 16434
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd2a)

--| Partition: "Work" Capacity: 113.1 Megs
--| Start Block: 16766  End Block: 248501 Total Blocks: 231736
--| Block Size: 512                             (sd2b)

	sd1? is the drive involved with NetBSD.  The datatype was
obtained from the HardDriveToolBox.  Two partitions (sd1b and sd1c) are
not involved, however.  Does more need to be done than just setting the
codes for datatypes?

	Miniroot.fs was installed easily as follows:

	xstreamtodev --input=miniroot.fs --rdb-name=Swap
	found partition: "Swap" capacity: 64.7 Megs
;; correct decision!
	start block: 1024  end block: 133631 total blocks: 132608
	block Size: 512

	dumping to: start block: 1024 to end block: 133631 [size: 66303K]
;; why a dump, of what?

	write from file "miniroot.fs" to partition "Swap"? [Ny]:y 
;; y
	reading: 00009216 -> 00009315  [  6%]
;; why 6%, of what?	 seems correct!

	Running loadbsd-2.14 -b netbsd ran well to the line:
		10 views configured
Then appeared

warning found rdb->secpercyl (166) != rdb->nsectors (42) * rdb->nheads (4)
warning lp->d_sparespercyl (2)  not multiple of lp->d_ntracks (4) 

This seems to involve the MAXTOR drive which is not involved in the
NEtBSD setup.

	The program asks for information on root and dump partitions.  I
would like sd1d to be the root and sd1b could be allowed if sd1a would be
inappropriate.  Defaults of sd1a and sd1b are recommended.
	A filesystem, apparently for the dump partition, may be chosen
from ffs (amiga?), nfs, msdos or cd9600.  Trying many combinations, I
have not been able to get past this point.  Ruefully, I submited with the
halt option.

	Can anyone tell me the step that I have overlooked or some way to
get fully through the installation?  Reviewing the directories generated
by the "sets" shows NetBSD to be a very powerful operating system.

	Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.
		Gorman L. Quinn